I search nothing

And I find... Nothing more or less.

The realms of imagination, where the boundless is within reach.

This is my incredible journey beyond anything I knew.

The desert glistened in the intense light. The landscape with its endless beauty stretched out without offering hope. As I walked forward like an empty shell without thoughts and feelings, time slipped away from me. I had nothing, nothing more than just myself. Hours, days, and weeks passed by in this journey.

Very far away.

I slowly moved forward until a small black dot appeared far away.

Surprised, I stopped for a moment. My curiosity stirred, like a spark reigniting. In that distant speck, I held onto a fragile hope and quickened my pace toward it. Arriving at what I thought would be my rescue, I found only an elderly woman dressed in black lying there in the sand. Her eyes, marked by time, met mine, and she whispered with a dry voice, "Please give me water, for I am dying."

Alone with destiny.

Within. Inner Self.

I stood facing a situation that demanded more than I felt capable of.

Desperation weighed heavily on me, seeing her there in pain was like a heavy ache in my chest. I had nothing to offer, no water, not even tools to dig for it. How could I find water in this barren place? I wonder what to do. Strangely, a clear voice responded, I found solace in a celestial echo that reverberated through the ether.

From nowhere.

Feel, because you have a heart.

Think, because you have a mind.

Act, because you have hands.

Fate answered.

Without thinking, I knew what to do.

I visualized a tool in my mind. I formed my hands into a makeshift cup and opened my heart, allowing silent tears to fall and collect in my hands. Tear after tear filled them until they brimmed with liquid. Then, I bent down to her, reached my hands to her lip and said; drink and live.

And I find.

Goodness is responsibility that also attracts evil. Genuine self-respect is resistant to bad influences. It is also the basis for being able to know when goodness is really needed.